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Brian McCarthy

Research Officer

Research Interests

Grazing systems research
Strategies to reduce nitrogen use in grazing systems
White clover
Nitrogen fertiliser responses
Nitrogen use efficiency
Grazing dairy cow nutrition

Current Projects

Project no. 1350: Identifying strategies to improve nitrogen use in grazing dairy systems

  • The main aspects of this project are:
    • Systems grazing experiment to investigate the effect of sward type (perennial ryegrass-only and perennial ryegrass-white clover) and varying nitrogen fertiliser rates (225, 150 and 75 kg nitrogen per hectare) on milk and herbage production and overall system environmental and economic performance
    • Plot work investigating nitrogen responses to different fertiliser types and rates
    • https://www.teagasc.ie/animals/dairy/research-farms/clonakilty-agricultural-college/

Project 1536: PASTURE-NUE: A multidisciplinary approach to increasing the nitrogen use efficiency of pasture-based systems

  • The main aspects of this project are:

Integrating novel approaches to grazing management, feed chemistry analysis, supplementary feed formulation, ruminant digestive sampling and environmental emissions monitoring to increase the nitrogen use efficiency of pasture-based systems


PhD in Agricultural Science University College Dublin
Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Animal and Crop Production) University College Dublin