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Winter Wheat

Nitrogen recommendations for Winter Wheat based on soil N index and crop yield potential (kg/ha)*
Soil N Index9.010.011.0
1 210 230 250
2 180 200 220
3 120 110 130
4 80 100 120
To convert kg/ha to units/ac multiply by 0.8

* Proof of higher grain yields is required for an additional 20kgN/ha for each one tonne above a base grain yield of 9.5t/ha

* Higher grain yields shall be based on the best yield achieved in any of the 3 previous harvests, at 20% moisture content

Timing of N Applications

The timing of N applications will depend on the total N rate and  the crops stage of growth. All N should be applied in the springtime. The table below gives details on the rate and  timings of N applications for winter cereals.

Where less than 75kg/ha is being applied and the crop has a good plant population, one application at the end of March / early April is adequate. Where more than 150kg/ha is being applied, three splits are recommended as in the table below.

Timing and splitting of N for winter cereals (kg/ha)
Rate (kg/ha)End Feb – Early MarchEnd March – Mid AprilLate April
Crop Growth Stage (GS) GS 25
GS 31/32
(1st / 2nd Node)
GS 33/37
(3rd Node to flag leaf peeping)
<75 -- All --
75–150 1/3 2/3 --
150+ 1/4 1/2 1/4

Basis to Nitrogen Timings

The application of N at specific growth stages is the subject of much research, and it is beneficial to apply N at certain stages when weather and soil conditions allow it.

First spilt of N is applied to encourage tiller development and survival. Winter wheat grown where there is a take all risk should receive early nitrogen to encourage rooting and reduce the severity of take all infection.

Early spring N is also important for winter barley to ensure early tiller development / survival as it is a key component to achieving high yields.

A small, early split top dressing of no more than 40kg/ha, applied between mid-February and mid-March is appropriate for the following situations, however the amount should not exceed the rates in table 2.

  • Crops on sandy soils or shallow soils overlying rocks
  • Crops with low plant populations, in adverse soil conditions, and/or with retarded tiller development.
  • Direct drilled crops

Main split of N is applied to winter cereals when the crop is growing rapidly and the crop has a high N demand, total N will have a large influence on final grain yield potential.

3rd Split of N is applied to winter cereals when the crop is at GS 33 to 37/39.  Nitrogen applied at this stage will help satisfy crop N requirements for grain yield.  In addition it will improve grain protein content once the crops N requirements for grain yield is satisfied.

Suggested N Programme for 10t/ha Winter wheat on soil N index 1
Crop TypeGS 25 to 30GS 31/32GS 33/37
Winter wheat
50 - 60kg/ha 80 - 110kg/ha 40 - 60kg/ha

P & K Advice for Winter wheat

P & K Advice for winter wheat based on different crop yields (kg/ha)
Soil P & K Index9.010.011.0
1 54 120 58 130 62 140
2 44 105 48 115 52 125
3 34 90 38 100 42 110
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
To convert kg/ha to units/ac multiply by 0.8
* Higher grain yields shall be based on the best yield achieved in any of the 3 previous harvests, at 20% moisture content.
*Where pH is greater than or equal to 7, 20kg P/ha may be applied on soils at phosphorus index 4.

Always adjust nutrient applications where organic manures are applied