
Sustainability Training Programme for Farmers and Co-operatives wins Top Accolade at National Training Awards
A ‘game changing’ new programme addressing the training and development needs of co-operatives and their farmer members and producers, as they work to reduce their carbon footprint, has won the prestigious Pearse Walsh Award.
11 April 2022

Longer days, more work, greater danger
Spring is here, and with it peak workload. Reduce your risk of injury or even death with some simple precautions. Francis Bligh and John McNamara Teagasc Health and Safety specialists have suggestions for keeping safe at calving time, when handling slurry and around machinery here
10 April 2022

Is your Sprayer test due?
The sprayer on a typical 100ha tillage farm will apply in excess of €25,000 of PPP’s in a season and so a properly functioning sprayer is vital. Sprayer testing is now a fundamental activity on any tillage farm. Ciaran Collins, Teagasc Tillage Specialist discusses testing, buffer zones & spray drift
09 April 2022

Managing Roadside Trees
The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine has published guidance on managing roadside trees. Written by a panel of experts convened by the Tree Council, it presents a simple six-step process for landowners to follow. Co-author Eileen Woodbyrne summarises the advice and guidance in the booklet
09 April 2022

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter April 2022
In this month’s newsletter the climate action focus is on securing silage stocks for next winter in the context of high fertiliser prices. The newsletter outlines a blueprint for incorporating clover successfully into a grassland sward. Check out the Signpost farmers featured, soil health and more
08 April 2022

Tillage Update 7th April 2022
Shay Phelan, Teagasc Crops & Potato Specialist advises farmers not finished sowing spring barley yet to aim to complete sowing soon if soil conditions are suitable. Crow damage is affecting some crops of beans - the advice is to walk your crop. Shay has fertiliser guidance for winter crops also
07 April 2022

The Tillage Incentive Scheme – A new Drive for native Grain
John Galvin, Drystock and Tillage Advisor, Teagasc Athenry, discusses the targeted intervention support package for farmers including a Multi-Species Sward Measure, Increased funding for Protein Crops and the Tillage Incentive Scheme (TIS). He then focuses on sowing spring Barley following grass
02 April 2022

Caution urged due to Orange Fire Warning
Teagasc is urging landowners and all involved in outdoor activity to exercise extreme caution and to heed the high level warning for fires in place this week. The current weather patterns have resulted in a high fire risk in all areas where hazardous fuels such as dead grasses, heather & gorse exist
01 April 2022

Farming for soil health: assessing the impact of agricultural practice on soil biodiversity and functioning
Soils are home to a staggering abundance and diversity of living organisms that are integral to the health and productivity of our farming systems. Dr Fiona Brennan, Teagasc Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford aims to assess the impact of management options on soil biodiversity in Irish grasslands
01 April 2022

Analyses of the organic value chain in Ireland
Dan Clavin & Dr Yan Jin, Teagasc led this research in which a value chain mapping approach was undertaken using organic administrative data to understand the structure of the organic value chain, examining the distribution of organic farms in relation to their production systems
01 April 2022

Tillage Update 31st March 2022
Ciaran Collins, Teagasc Tillage Specialist has the latest details here about the new Tillage Incentive Scheme. Ploughing grassland to plant a tillage crop is being encouraged in 2022 by the Department of Agriculture Food and Marine with the introduction of the Tillage Incentive Scheme worth €400/ha
31 March 2022

Reducing the Risks of Slurry Application
Maximising the fertiliser benefits from slurry is critical in 2022. Farmers are aware of this valuable resource and how it can help reduce their overall fertiliser bill through early spring application. However, best practice and regulation must be followed says Kieran Kenny ASSAP Advisor, Castlerea
30 March 2022

Something to cheers to: the value in beer waste
Teagasc researchers are working with the University of Helsinki to find ways to turn spent grain waste from beer production into functional food ingredients. Brewer’s Spent Grain (or BSG) is a waste product of the brewing industry, but it’s rich in fibre, protein and vitamins.
26 March 2022

Royal Visit to Signpost Farm
Shane and John Fitzgerald, who farm near Portlaw in county Waterford, hosted a visit by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales on Thursday, 24 March 2022.
25 March 2022

Tillage Update 24th March 2022
The launch of the Tillage Incentive Scheme by the Department of Agriculture this week has to be welcomed by the tillage industry. Michael Hennessy, Head of Crops KT, Teagasc discusses the opportunities it brings for tillage and grassland farmers and provides advice on converting grassland to tillage
24 March 2022

Farmers urged to grow more cereals and fertilize for first cut silage
The announcement by Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, of a new targeted intervention package for the tillage sector and a multi-species sward initiative, worth over €12 million, was welcomed by the Chair of the National Fodder & Food Security Committee, Mike Magan.
23 March 2022

Raising awareness of data on the farm
The AgriDISCRETE project is raising farmers’ awareness of data by co-designing communication materials that explain what data on the farm is and how it’s shared. Researchers Claire Brown and Áine Regan, Agrifood Business and Spatial Analysis, Teagasc, Athenry provide more insight here
23 March 2022

Improving Water Quality on World Water Day
On World Water Day 2022, Improving water quality and supporting the production of high-quality food are what Teagasc are targeting through various water quality initiatives that we are involved in. Learn about the work of Teagasc ACP and ASSAP staff including groundwater sampling here
22 March 2022

Commissioner Mairead McGuinness visits Signpost Farm
EU Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, recently visited Signpost farmer, Alan Clarke at Kilinkere, County Cavan. Commissioner McGuinness had the opportunity to see first-hand the work that farmers are doing to reduce gaseous emissions and be more environmentally sustainable.
21 March 2022
Time to think about becoming an organic farmer?
The recent reopening of the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) has many farmers wondering if organics if an option for them. There is no doubt that it doesn’t suit everyone but there are many farmers that it will suit. Drystock Advisor Enda O'Hart gives a few pointers to help you assess the option
20 March 2022

Have you made your Will yet?
Making a Will is a very important task to consider for any farmer today. Many farmers delay it for as long as possible believing that they can continue indefinitely. Ciaran Beatty, Teagasc Advisor, Castlerea says it is a difficult topic to address and many farmers avoid it and have no plans in place
20 March 2022

Wheat stem rust: the return of an old foe
The reappearance of stem rust on wheat in Ireland after decades of no reports led researchers to investigate the cause behind recent outbreaks of the disease.
19 March 2022

Tillage Newsletter - March 2022
Get the latest information & advice from the Teagasc Crops team in this month's tillage newsletter. It includes: Winter cereals advice on fertiliser application of barley, wheat and oats; as well as Spring crops; Sprayer testing and Health & Safety - Tractor/machine overturning dangers
17 March 2022

Tillage Update 17th March 2022
In this week's Tillage Update Mark Plunkett, Teagasc Crops Soil & Plant Nutrition Specialist, has advice on the first fertiliser application to winter cereals, slurry application and trace elements. Mark also advises maintaining a soil pH of 6.5 for spring cereal crop production.
17 March 2022

Filleadh ar an saol tar éis Covid
I rith Seachtain na Gaeilge seo tá Teagasc Daily ag foilsiú ailt as gaeilge ó foireann Teagasc. Tá an céad ailt seo scríofa ag Seosamh O’Deá, múinteoir i gColáiste Chill Daltún, faoi Filleadh ar an saol tar éis Covid sa choláiste.
16 March 2022

First Meeting of Fodder and Food Security Committee
Over 30 organisations were represented at the first meeting of the National Fodder and Food Security Committee last Friday, 11 March in Teagasc Moorepark. The group was set up to support the national response to the unfolding feed, fertiliser and energy supply issues created by the war in Ukraine
15 March 2022

Kildalton 50 - A Celebration of 50 years in Land Based Education
For over 50 years, Kildalton College in South Kilkenny has forged a path for students of agriculture, horticulture and equitation. To celebrate this milestone, the Teagasc Kildalton College will open its doors on Saturday, 25th of June this year, from 11am to 4pm
15 March 2022

The impact of the Ukraine war on Jim McCarthy’s Farming Business in Romania
On the Teagasc Tillage Edge podcast, Irish farmer Jim McCarthy, gives his insights into the effects of the Ukraine war on his business in Romania and how his business is involved in helping the refugees who are fleeing from the conflict.
14 March 2022

Today's Farm - March/April 2022
The March/April edition of our bi-monthly magazine is now available online. It includes articles on genetics,Commercial Beef value, fertilising for grass silage, basic payment, controlling chickweed in cereals, health & safety, forestry diversification, dahlias and meet Teagasc Director Frank O'Mara
13 March 2022

Hedging Your Bets!
Bernie Leahy, B&T Drystock Adviser, Teagasc, Galway/Clare discusses the legacy of a hedge here as she makes connections with Cheltenham, and the numerous benefits of a hedge. She also reminds farmers of REAP planting date commitments this March.
13 March 2022