
Tillage Update - 7th October 2021
Lower margins for 2022 with beans competing strongly with cereal crops is how Michael Hennessy, Head of Teagasc Crop Knowledge Transfer Department sums up this week's tillage update. He goes on to talk about fertiliser prices, grain price, expected yields in 2022 and factors to consider in budgeting
07 October 2021

The journey of certified seed (Part 1)
The majority of seed sown on tillage farms every year is Department of Agriculture certified seed and on this week’s Tillage Edge podcast, it is the first in a two-part series that tracks the seed’s journey from breeder through an Irish seed assembler, taking in the seed grower along the way
07 October 2021

Commuting before the pandemic
As some of us return to the work and college after 18 months of working from home, the September Map of the Month looks at pre-pandemic commuting patterns – highlighting how important regional towns are. It is interesting to think how the next survey of commuting will differ.
01 October 2021

Pre-emerge weed control in winter cereals
Weed control is one of the first jobs that needs to be completed after a crop has been planted with a number of options available and on this week’s Tillage Edge podcast, tillage specialists Shay Phelan and Ciaran Collins join Michael Hennessy to discuss this topic in more detail.
30 September 2021

Transferring family farm - Where do I start?
Transferring the family farm is so much more than just a simple business transaction; there are a number of complex issues to be addressed. Catherine Egan, Beef Specialist, discusses how to handle family farm transfers, with insight from Teagasc Financial Management Specialist, James McDonnell.
29 September 2021

Teagasc advisors first in Europe to achieve new European Certificate
Two Teagasc advisors are the first in Europe to be awarded the European CECRA certificate. Marie Flynn, Dairy Advisor based in Moorepark advisory office and Cian Condon, Drystock & Goat advisor based in Teagasc Manorhamilton were presented with their certificates by Teagasc KT Director Dr Stan Lalor
28 September 2021

Apply now for Pilot Soil Sampling Programme
Today, Monday 27th September sees the opening of a pilot Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme. This is a farm level soil sampling & analysis initiative which will provide farmers and their advisors with comprehensive details about the soil health and condition on their farms. Read how to apply here
27 September 2021

Minister Heydon views sustainability research in Teagasc Johnstown Castle
Environmental sustainability is now central to all agricultural production in Ireland. Never before has there been more ask for technologies and tools for agriculture to meet the environmental challenges. These societal challenges are at the heart of research in Teagasc Johnstown Castle
23 September 2021

The dark mysteries of the soil beneath our feet
Soil is a complex matrix and its chemical composition often depends on the location in the landscape, the parent material underneath, and the influence of the management above. This article by Senior Research Officer, Dr Karen Daly, Teagasc Johnstown Castle first appeared on RTÉ Brainstorm last week
23 September 2021

Day 2 of the National Crops Forum on carbon farming and nitrate leaching
Day 2 of the National Crops Forum delved into carbon farming and nitrate leaching on tillage farms and on this week’s Tillage Edge podcast, you’ll hear from the excellent questions and answers sessions from the forum.
23 September 2021

“It’s like admitting you are a failure”: Male farmer mental health help-seeking limited by Masculinity and Identity
Irish male farmers experience some of the highest levels of adverse health outcomes relative to other occupations – particularly in relation to heart disease, cancers and mental health. Despite this, many farmers do not seek help until their illness reaches crisis point. Read a recent Irish study..
19 September 2021

The Signpost Series - Combining catchment science & agricultural advice to improve local water quality
On this episode of The Signpost Series, held on Friday, 10th September, Mark Gibson, Teagasc ConnectEd Manager was joined by Cathal Somers, Teagasc ASSAP Advisor and Philip Murphy, LAWPRO Catchment Scientist to discuss combining catchment science & agricultural advice to improve local water quality.
19 September 2021

Tillage Update 16th September 2021
Ciaran Collins, Tillage Specialist brings us this week's tillage update. He discusses the DAFM cereal recommended lists for 2022, Integrated Pest Management planning (IPM). Ciaran also has details about the upcoming Winter Malting Barley webinar and Autumn Farm walks next week
16 September 2021

National Crops Forum - Part One
The annual National Crops Forum takes place virtually this year due to Covid19 Restrictions. Part One of the two-part forum took place on Thursday, 9th September and focused on Agronomy & Grain Markets.
16 September 2021

National Crops Forum - Part Two
The annual National Crops Forum will take place virtually this year due to Covid19 Restrictions. The Forum will take place over two days on Thursday, 9th and 16th September at 11:30am. Find out how to register here and join us this Thursday morning for Part 2.
13 September 2021

Invest wisely following bumper harvest
Will this be classed as a bumper year for tillage farmers in years to come? Michael Hennessy, Teagasc Head of Crops takes a closer look and suggests wise options for spending the increased revenue coming through the farm gate while reducing the overall tax bill in the process
12 September 2021

Small woodlands on dairy and drystock farms: Have your say on trees
Forests account for 12% of land area in Ireland. The government target is that forests will make up 18% of the land area by 2046. Rachel Irwin, Teagasc Walsh Scholar is surveying farmers to analyse their perceptions of, attitudes towards, and willingness to plant, trees on farms. Have your say here
08 September 2021

National Crops Forum - Part One
The annual National Crops Forum will take place virtually this year due to Covid19 Restrictions. The Forum will take place over two days on Thursday, 9th and 16th September at 11:30am. Find out how to register here and join us for Part 1 this Thursday morning.
06 September 2021

Teagasc Signpost Programme Newsletter September 2021
This month’s Signpost newsletter features a guide to actions that dairy farmers can take to reduce emissions. We have the usual climate actions for the month as well as a timely video on lime application. We profile 3 Signpost farms – James Skehan (beef) Sean Collery (dairy) & Don Somers (tillage)
03 September 2021

Developing Rural Ireland - A History of the Irish Agricultural Advisory Services
A new book that documents the history of the Irish agricultural advisory services and its role in developing rural Ireland, was launched at a virtual event at Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow, yesterday, Wednesday 1 September.
02 September 2021

Hedgerow Cutting Season Begins
Hedges can be cut from 1 September until the end of February. The Wildlife Act, 1976 (2000) prohibits hedge cutting during the bird nesting season. Here Catherine Keena, Teagasc Countryside Management Specialist and Anthony Dineen, Teagasc Advisor simplify the rules and regulations around Hedges.
01 September 2021

Blackgrass - Cultural control options
If herbicides controlled blackgrass, it would not be considered the problem it is. Unfortunately, if blackgrass appears in a field there is a good chance that it will be resistant to some or all of the available herbicides. Ciaran Collins, Tillage Specialist discusses Cultural control options here
31 August 2021

Teagasc Improve Aphid Monitoring Infrastructure
In July 2021 Teagasc completed the construction of a 12.2m high insect suction tower at Ashtown Research Centre in Dublin. The tower will help to build understanding of aphid and insect ecology in Ireland. Researchers Michael Gaffney, Ashtown & Louise McNamara, Oak Park are involved in this research
29 August 2021
Rural housing density in Ireland - Map of the Month
The August Map of the Month, created by Researchers David Meredith, Rob O’Hara and Jesko Zimmermann looks at the density of rural dwellings in Ireland. It clearly shows the impact of the road network, proximity to towns and cities, and general topography on residential housing density.
29 August 2021

Organic Cereals
The area devoted to organic cereal production in Ireland is relatively small, according to Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) figures. However, there is a strong demand from other organic farmers and cereal processors for home-produced grain. Is it an option for you?
26 August 2021

Solar PV (Solar Panels) on the farm
Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells work on the principle that energy in the sun is converted to electricity. PV cells are used to convert solar radiation into direct current (DC) electricity. Barry Caslin Teagasc, Rural Economy, has advice on the requirements for setting up Solar panels on the farm here
22 August 2021

Devenish Teagasc partnership to help agri industry meet climate challenge
Ireland’s food and farming sector will have a significant competitive advantage in the global market place by creating one of the world’s most sustainable food systems through a unique collaboration between animal nutrition company, Devenish, and agriculture and food development authority, Teagasc
17 August 2021

Increasing soil pH reduces fertiliser derived N2O emissions
A new scientific paper from Teagasc has shown that getting soil pH right through a liming programme can significantly reduce emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas. The Teagasc Signpost Programme brings this important fact to our attention here
15 August 2021

Signpost Programme Steering Group Meet
The first meeting of the Signpost Programme Steering Group was held on Wednesday 28 July, in Teagasc Oak Park. The Signpost Programme is a collaborative programme to lead climate action by Irish farmers and their transition towards more sustainable farming systems. Read on for more
10 August 2021

When a plan comes together
There are many different kinds of plans and every farm family should have one. James McDonnell Financial specialist, Teagasc Rural Economy Development Programme outlines the Teagasc planning tools available to farmers to assist with financial, succession, time management or other planning options
10 August 2021