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New €60 million Water EIP Project - Targeted Measures to Improve Water Quality on Farms

New €60 million Water EIP Project - Targeted Measures to Improve Water Quality on Farms

Joanne Masterson, ASSAP Adviser, tells us that Teagasc in collaboration with the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and Dairy Industry Ireland have been successful in its application to deliver a new Water European Innovation Partnership (EIP) project for Ireland.

The €60 million project hopes to bring about improvements in water quality. Measures will be designed and implemented in collaboration with farmers and will be targeted specifically to address local challenges.

One of the most significant stressors on our water quality and ecosystem health is increased concentrations of nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, entering our waterways.

These nutrients can enter our waters as a result of human activities such as agriculture, waste water (domestic and urban) and forestry. Nitrate concentrations are too high in 40% of river sites nationally and in 20% of estuarine and coastal water bodies. Average nitrate levels in rivers and ground waters increased nationally between 2021 and 2022. While levels can fluctuate between years based on climate there is no indication that nitrate levels are reducing. Phosphate concentrations are too high in 28% of rivers and 36% of lakes which impacts on their biological quality. Concentrations will need to reduce in these rivers and lakes to improve water quality.

What is the main aim of the Water EIP?

The Water EIP aims to deliver targeted actions to reduce losses of nutrients, sediment and pesticides from agricultural lands, i.e. ‘breaking the pathway’. The programme will run from 2023 to 2028. The project will focus on areas needing the most attention to protect water quality. Good water quality provides many benefits for everyone, including clean drinking water, water for livestock, tourism & recreation and other industries and sectors. It is also important for wildlife and is necessary to support vibrant local economies & healthy communities.

Water EIP – Eligibility

Access to the project will be prioritised and farmers will be approached to make applications. Farmers within certain areas will be invited to participate by farm advisors or agents working on behalf of the project. This is because the project will focus on areas needing most attention to protect water quality. The project will work with the ASSAP (Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme).

Farmers located in the following areas will be potentially eligible to access funding through the EIP. Some of these areas are located within Priority Areas for Action (PAAs) which are areas in which water bodies are at risk of not achieving good or high quality.

  • Tier 1 – Farms in cycle 2 or cycle 3 PAAs which are areas that have been already assessed by ASSAP.
  • Tier 2 – Farms in cycle 3 PAAs or within a catchment with a community led water quality initiative identified as having a nutrient/sediment/pesticide issue prioritised by the EPA/Local Authority
  • Tier 3 – Farms in cycle 3 PAAs or within a catchment with a community led water quality initiative, in catchments not identified as having a nutrient/sediment/pesticide issue not prioritised by the EPA.
  • Tier 4 – Other farms outside of the above.

It is important to note that measures available for the EIP are for measures not covered by regulatory requirements – double funding is not permitted.

What Measures will be available?

There will be measures available that focus on farmyard issues and land management issues in relation to improving water quality – the aim is to ‘break the pathway’. Below are some of the measures available:

  • Hedgerow establishment
  • Additional fencing for bovine exclusion from water bodies
  • Alternative Water Supply – Pasture Pump/Solar Pump/Water Trough
  • Riparian Buffer Zones
  • Tree planting
  • Small Scale Ponds
  • Earthen bund
  • Sediment Traps
  • Watercourse crossing/bridges
  • Gateway relocation
  • Multi Species Swards
  • Pesticide mitigation measures

Having funding available for farmers to implement these measures to improve water quality is important so that we can address agriculture related declines in water quality. This funding will help to ensure that the right measure is put in the right place on farms to minimise losses of nutrients, sediment and pesticides.

Waters of LIFE Project - River Habitat Assessments to take place in the Islands Demonstration Catchment (Galway/Roscommon Border)

The Waters of LIFE is an EU funded project which aims to contribute towards the protection and restoration of Ireland’s healthiest rivers.

As part of the project as a first step, a comprehensive assessment of the river is being carried out to inform the measures and results which will be funded under the scheme.  Part of this will involve assessing the existing river habitat at a number of locations in the catchment.

Over a two week period extending from 23rd October to 3rd November, a scientist from CBEC, plans to walk stretches of river in the DEDs listed below to assess the river habitat.

This work will just involve a visual inspection of a range of river features.
If you are a landowner in one of these areas, we would be grateful if you could facilitate this work.

DED’s Where River Surveys are planned

  • Ballinastack                                                                       
  • Kilcroan                                               
  • Loughanboy
  • Ballymoe   
  • Toberroe      
  • Ballinlough              
  • Island 

For further information please contact the project team on 085 8549035 or email them at: info@watersoflife.ie

Waters of LIFE Islands Demontration River Habitat Mapping - The Waters of LIFE is an EU funded project which aims to contribute towards the protection and restoration of Ireland’s healthiest rivers