Teagasc Grass10 Grazing Courses Recommended By 99% Of Farmers!

99% of farmers surveyed in Teagasc Grass10 Grazing Courses said they would recommend it to another farmer.
The Grass10 Campaign has a vision to create a culture of successful grazing amongst Irish livestock farmers through developing excellent grazing skills and growing quality pasture. This results in a high level of quality milk and meat being produced on Irish farms in a natural low cost way, from the natural resources and climate conditions available, reducing the need for external inputs. With uncertainty in supply chains and changing regulations, becoming more self-sufficient in feed on your farm must be a long-term priority. Advancing grassland management on your farm can be viewed as taking out an insurance policy against future challenges.
Part of the success of the Grass10 Campaign has been the Grass10 Grazing Courses. For the last four years, these courses have been run by the Grass10 Team; John Maher (Campaign Manager), Joseph Dunphy and John Douglas, in conjunction with local Teagasc Advisors.
These are practical grass-measuring courses offered to farmers which meet 6-8 times per year on farm. The objective is to train dairy, beef and sheep farmers on how to measure grass and using PastureBase Ireland software to achieve excellent grassland management. Our focus is to help farmers improve the amount and quality of pasture grown, to incorporate clover onto farms, and become more efficient with fertiliser and slurry.
73% of farmers surveyed said that it was very easy or easy to apply the training they learnt in the Grass10 Grazing Courses.
We are looking for farmers of all capabilities, and at any stage of their grassland journey, who want to excel in grassland management and we want to work with them. Does this sound like you?
If so, you might be wondering what benefits you could get from joining us. There are lots! But we have summarised the main benefits from farmer feedback we have received over the past four years. The Grass10 Grazing Course benefits include:
- achieving excellent grassland management with on-farm practical training
- building your confidence to make key grazing decisions on your own farm
- increasing animal performance from pasture
- learning from the knowledge and experiences of other like-minded farmers
- encouragement and support to stay focused and make progress
- helping you stay in control of feed and fertiliser costs
- helping you establish clover on your farm
- allowing honest and open discussion in a social setting
If you want to be in an environment that is going to help you win at grassland management, you need to join a Grass10 Grazing Course! Click here to express your interest!
Happy Grazing in 2023,
The Grass10 Team!
Find out more about Grass10 Grazing Courses 2023 and enroll here