TResearch Winter 2024
More than "meats" the eye
More than "meats" the eye
Fertiliser Focus
Strategies to increase the length of the grazing season for spring and autumn calving cows - 5798
Precision pasture management - 5795
Analysis of the Competitiveness of Irish Dairy Farming - 6131
Development of a benchmarking system to increase the sustainability of Irish dairy farmers - 5799
Localisation of milk production and tuberculosis resistance genes in cattle
The influence of animal genetic potential across a variety of futuristic pasture-based systems of milk production
Strategies to increase dairy cow performance at pasture - 5664
Development of farming systems for the future.
Genetics of improved health, fertility, grass intake and feed efficiency in Irish dairy cattle - 5666
Development of a Grass Dry Matter Intake Prediction Model - 5797