MiMIC Study
The "Missing Microbes in Infants born by C-section" (MiMIC) study aims to identify the gut bacteria that are missing or depleted in infants born by Caesarean section or who have been exposed to antibiotics, with the aim of developing microbiome-based solutions to benefit infant health and development.
The population of bacteria in the gut develops over the first four years of life and plays a key role in human health. Infant gut microbiota can be severely depleted in infants born by C-section or exposed to antibiotics.The MiMIC team aim to identify these “missing microbes” and develop strategies to replenish the microbiota following antibiotic exposure or C-section birth mode.
The study is co-funded by DuPont Nutrition and Biosciences and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) through the SFI Spokes Programme (19/SP/6989). The study is led by APC Microbiome Ireland researchers at the Teagasc Food Research Centre in Moorepark, in collaboration with University College Cork and Cork University Maternity Hospital.

Catherine Stanton
Research Officer - Infant Microbiome, Nutrition and HealthWhat's New
- Teagasc Press Release: Major Infant Health Collaboration Announced
- Silicon Republic: €6.3m research project to look at replacing "missing microbes" in infant gut
Contact Details
- Email: catherine.stanton@teagasc.ie (Principal Investigator)
- Email: brian.healy@teagasc.ie (Project Manager)
Connect with MiMIC
- Facebook: MiMICStudy
- Instagram: @mimicstudy