Rochelle van Emmenis
Project Title: Development and optimization of dietary strategies to increase the nitrogen-use-efficiency of grazing dairy cows
Overview: Rochelle’s project is multifaceted with the focus being placed on how to improve nitrogen- use-efficiency of grazing dairy cows. Nitrogen is of key interest as losses to the environment can contribute to reduced air and water quality, as well as, increased Green-House Gas emissions.
Firstly, a 30-farm network has been established across Ireland to investigate factors associated with nitrogen-use-efficiency. Building on this benchmark database, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) will be utilized to create prediction models for pasture nitrogen content, to aid farmers with dietary supplementation strategies. Lastly, three experimental trials will be held to investigate the effect of crude protein content of concentrate supplements on dairy cow production and nitrogen losses to the environment.
Rochelle is from South Africa and grew up working with animals at her local veterinary practice as well as various intensive and extensive farming operations.
Before starting her PhD, Rochelle completed her MSc degree where she compared the effects which two different zilpaterol hydrochloride feed supplements and extended ageing periods have on the meat quality of feedlot bulls.
Away from agriculture, Rochelle rescues and rehabilitates companion animals.
Programme Area: Grassland Science
Supervisors: Dr. Michael Dineen, and Prof. Frank Buckley
Location: Teagasc Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork
Funding Source: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine